4th Madrid shoulder course 2024


Dear friends,

As part of our continuing effort to spread the knowledge on shoulder surgery, we are delighted to present to you the 4th edition of the Madrid Shoulder Course (MSC24).

The MSC24 will take place from November 21st to 23rd 2024 in downtown Madrid. We have structured a great comprehensive program, full of fresh knowledge covering state of the art surgical techniques. We have already confirmed an outstanding faculty panel, all of them are internationally recognized experts and opinion leaders on shoulder surgery. MSC is already consolidated as an enjoyable and profitable meeting for delegates with a wide range of knowledge in shoulder surgery.

During these three days, a large number of scientific and technical controversies will be covered. Our intention is to designate specific time slots for symposium and workshops to cover surgical procedures and hot topics. Delegates will have the chance of presenting their cases and there will be a significant amount of time devoted to discussion.

We are now finishing the final program which will be always updated on our web page
www.madridshouldercourse.com. Have a look and you will immediately understand why you cannot miss the dates.

Welcome to Madrid !!

Best Regards,

Local Organizing Committe